R&D&Innovation consortium at Sofia Tech Park

Organisation Overview

The R&D&I Consortium is a science and research organization. Members of the Consortium are: Sofia Tech Park JSC (which acts as an administrative and coordination unit of the activities), Sofia University “St. Kliment Ohridski”, Technical University of Sofia, Joint Genomic Center. It operates a Laboratory complex of 11 high-tech laboratories, designed to perform problem-driven and industry-oriented R&D directed to efficient, value-added and environmentally-friendly utilization of the national bio-resources. All of them are furnished with state-of-the-art equipment and conduct fundamental and applied research, providing scientific services to private companies and organisations. The main objective is to foster science for industrial applicability and facilitate the development of the next level economy.
For the SURE5.0 Service Provider Call we apply with the following Labs:
Micro Nano Lab – MINOLab’s mission is to setup, maintain and develop applied and innovative research, testing, analysis, design and prototyping for printed circuit boards (PCBs), micro- and nanoelectronics with an accent on electromagnetic compatibility, RFID, MEMS, and biomedical applications. The goal is to solve problems originating from real world applications in electronics, microelectronics and nanoelectronics, development hi-tech as well as affordable methods and tools for design, modelling and testing. At MINOLab we deliver services for root cause analysis of failures and defects in electronic devices. We also provide research and development (R&D) and optimization of novel devices, products and systems.
The Intelligent Communication Infrastructures Laboratory specializes in research and development activities, to perform measurements and testing in the areas of railway traffic management and security systems (trains, trams and metro), 5G communications and the Internet of Things (IoT). The laboratory is equipped with the main technological solutions for testing specific products and systems in the field of railway transport, as well as specific equipment and software for research in the field of 5G communications and for LoRaWAN, IoT and M2M applications.

The Artificial Intelligence And CAD Systems Laboratory – Developing a suitable simulator of human brain activity, as well as the relevant information and computer technologies that promote and guarantee its activity.
Scientific research and developments in the following areas: intelligent systems for medical applications, algorithms for controlling robots and drones, intelligent systems for early warning of natural disasters and intelligent systems for the recognition and certification of materials and products.
Use of CAD systems in the field of microelectronics, telecommunications and intelligent transportation; design and modelling of new devices, systems and technologies, as well as design and modelling of sea vessels.
Computer design of complex systems for industry, business, etc.

The 3D Creativity and New Products Rapid Prototyping Lab – its main objective is to develop a research capacity for the application of innovative technologies for materialization of virtual 3D models with complex forms in a very short time. This lab’s mission is to create innovative practices and to build unique and accessible opportunities for research and development in the field of 3D creativity through systems for quick physical manifestation of new ideas and products in order to shorten the time to market.

Address: 111, Tzarigradsko Shosse Blvd., 1784 Sofia – Bulgaria
Telephone: 00359889900614



Email Address





    Business sector(s) of expertise

    Industry 5.0 services you could provide
    Smart Factory

    Advanced Manufacturing Technology, Advanced Materials, Artificial Intelligence, Augmented and Virtual Reality, Big Data, Cloud Computing, Connectivity, Industrial Biotechnology, Internet of Things, Micro and Nanoelectronics, Nanotechnology, Robotics, Security